How to make a better one banana chocolate cake?

One banana chocolate cake is a healthy cake made with no eggs, no butter, less sugar and fast to assemble. My favorite to do cake because it is very fast and easy. I will share with you 6 tips I learn from making this cake.

INGREDIENT 1 ripe banana (50g) 100ml Coconut Milk 125ml water 100ml vegetable oil 1/4 tsp salt 50g brown sugar 100g flour 30g cocoa powder 1 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp baking soda 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 tsp chocolate emulco ■■■■■■■■

This is a tricky cake where the top will always crack. The only time it did not crack for me was when I used a bigger cake pan. I have come to accept that one banana chocolate cake will always have a crack on top. As long it is still yummy then I will just go on without worrying too much about the crack top.

If you really want to hid the crack top then cover all the cracks with frosting of your choice. My favorite frosting for this cake is chocolate ganache which is super fast and super easy to make. You just need chocolate and coconut milk. 100g chocolate mixed with 70ml coconut milk is the best ratio to form a creamy frosting and it does not get too hard even after chilling in the fridge.

One Banana Chocolate cake has a dense fudge like texture which is close to being more brownie than a cake. I highly recommend putting frosting on this cake to balance the taste and increasing the moisture.

Over ripe banana is the best because it adds sweetness. It will keep the cake moist but too much banana can give it too much fudge texture and strong banana flavour. To avoid the wrong quantity just take note that this recipe only required 50g of banana. A little more or less is ok

Chocolate emulco or chocolate flavouring liquid is optional. I use additional flavouring to increase the chocolate flavour. Chocolate Emulco is a natural flavouring liquid that has a chocolate taste and aroma. 

This cake needs only 20 minutes of baking time. If you like a fudge brownie texture then stop baking at 15 minutes. If you prefer cake texture then keep baking for another 10 minutes until the toothpick test comes out clean. Its ok if a bit of cake sticks to the tooth pick as long as it does not show a wet batter. If you bake too long the cake can go dry.

If you can wait, flavours are enhanced overnight due to the chemical reactions in the cake. Without doubt, this one banana chocolate cake seemed to taste better after 12 hours. 

Watch our one banana cake recipes short videos for inspiration
