What are good low cholesterol meals?

A good low cholesterol meal could be like this : a super easy soy sauce chicken stew with homemade rice wine, steamed eggplant with cashew nuts, choco bar ice cream and enjoying a new type of fruit Brazilian Crystal Longan. 

It is very easy to separate a good cholesterol meal from a bad one. When you are doing grocery shopping do not buy meat. For us we decided to go with the middle ground. Eating less meat. More fish and vegetables. Watch the full video :-

We have been on this low cholesterol diet plan for 2 months and it has been an interesting journey.

We are not only mindful of the recipes we create at home but also the restaurants when we go out to eat. 

Recently we visited Nutribah a one-of-a-kind wellness place that consists of an organic grocer, wellness cafe, hiking trail and organic farm, located along Jalan Minintod.

We were there with mom and dad for lunch. What is interesting for us is that they serves health oriented food.

From their dining in the green lungs menu, we ordered their signature drink, kale and pineapple smoothie. It's full of fiber and tasted amazing. This drink might not be for everyone especially people because of the extreme amount of fiber. If you like fiber then this is a really good drink to have.

Beside the drink we ordered tofu with minced chicken and spinach fried with garlic. The captain offered us a sample of their ORGANIC SACHA INCHI OIL. She said it can be eaten directly or poured over your food. Apparently this oil can improve cholesterol levels.

We also ordered a plate of fried rice with fish, a bowl of porridge with mushroom and sliced fish and lastly fried milk fish with black pepper sauce

An outing meal like that never misses in giving us inspiration to be creative in our own lunch recipes. 

The next day we decided to whip up our soy sauce chicken stew with rice wine. As you already know we love making our own rice wine at home.

Rice wine is very easy to make at home. Click HERE for our rice wine playlist if you are interested to learn how.

We have another batch in the making. It is only 45 days old. We hope to reveal the result of our 100 days rice wine in our future video. 

Our soy sauce chicken stew with rice wine will be cooked all in one pot. You can pre cooked the herbs and browned the chicken separately if you like. 

You can also make this soy sauce chicken stew WITHOUT rice wine. But trust us, with a little rice wine this stew goes up another notch to food heaven. If you do not have any rice wine you can use other type of wine. Perhaps beer?

We decided to add a few spoonful of garlic chili oil. Our homemade garlic chili oil will add spiciness to the dish. Click our garlic chili oil video HERE if you want to watch that.

Lastly in goes 150ml of rice wine or more and enough water to cover all the ingredient. Cover and bring to boil until all the sauce has evaporated.


Chicken pieces

Black fungus

Dried Shitake



spring onion



star anise

rice wine

fish sauce


This stew is amazingly tasty and so fragrantful. Give a try yourself.

Our next dish is eggplant with cashew nuts.

We always soak our cut eggplant in salted water. Rubbing the cut eggplant with salt helps to bring out the excess water.

We normally fry our eggplant but this time we decided to steamed them. Steaming is a healthier method but honestly we still prefer the fried version. There is something about oil that makes a tastier eggplant.

Whichever is your preferred method both works well for this recipe. The important ingredient that makes this dish absolutely delicious is salted soya bean or tauco. 

Just fry the sauce and pour it over the cooked eggplant. It is as easy as that. If you are not planning to eat this dish immediately then do not fry the cashew nuts with the sauce. It will cause the cashew nuts to turn soggy. Sprinkling over the eggplant with sauce is better.

Give the sauce with the cashew nuts a quick mix then serve hot. 


Eggplant (steamed)

Fry the cashew nut

1 tsp salted soya bean / salted tauco

1 tsp soy sauce

1 tsp sesame oil




Fried Cashew Nuts

For our healthy dessert we are making choco bar ice cream made from banana with coconut milk.

This banana ice cream is an inspiration that came from AUNTY and I channel on Youtube. In their video they made them using popsicle mold. 

Blend the banana and coconut milk in a blender

However we do not have any popsicle mold so we had to be a little creative. Put to freeze before you dip it into the chocolate cream

We pan fry our almond nibs to bring out the crispiness of the nuts.

After dipping in the chocolate and the nuts the ice cream needs to be put into the freezer again before you serve it.


2 Banana

200ml Coconut Milk

2 tablespoon honey

Almond Nibs

Warm Chocolate

4 cups / 4 sticks

This is bazillion crystal longan. It is our first time tasting this fruit. The skin is very hard. You need to smash it down on a hard surface to break it like a walnuts.

The fruit taste just like longan sweeter but less juicy. Watch the full video of this cooking journey. Hope you enjoy it.
