Easy recipes for lunch to lower cholesterol

Today's easy recipes for lunch is made with cooling healing properties in mind. This is a great remedy for people who need to reduce their body heat

Watch the story in this video

We buy our fresh fruits in this wholesale vegetable market. Drinking fresh fruit juice daily helps to lower cholesterol. Our low cholesterol diet plan is not too difficult but it does required us to be more mindful on the stuff we cook and eat in each meal.

For our pudding we need 2 fresh young coconut. 

INGREDIENT Fresh Coconut Jelly

1/2 packet of Jelly powder

4 tbsp sugar

1.5L water (2 coconut water & water)

Flesh from 2 coconut (Sliced thinly)

Mixed all ingredient together with a whisk. Bring to boil and pour into cups or container. Sprinkled the sliced fresh coconut flesh on top of the hot jelly.

This jelly packet is the same brand as our soya bean custard that we made a few weeks ago. Watch that video if you are interested.

Follow the instruction given at the back of the packet. One packet can make 3 liters of jelly. We used half the powder and kept the other half for another day.

Scooped and sliced out the coconut flesh. Sprinkle on top of the jelly. 

While our jelly is chilling in the fridge its time to harvest our own home grown wax gourd.

This pink flowering crepe myrtles tree has been the home for our wax gourd or winter melon plant. It started growing from the base of the crepe myrtles tree.

It was surprised for everyone who had an investment on this wax gourd. The seed came from a neighbor living on the first floor. The ground floor neighbor living next to this tree replanted the young wax gourd shoot from a pot to the root of the crepe myrtles tree. It was Francis that look after the melon after it started sprouting by placing the tiny fruit in a flower hanger. This method  gives support so the heavy melon does not droop too low and hit the car that is park below it.

Since then this wax gourd had produced 3 melons. It had continued to flower too.  We are hoping for more melons in the near future.

The skin of a wax gourd is mighty strong. To cut it you will need a little muscle.

Once you cut through the rest is easy. Scoop out the seeds and sliced the melon into cubes.

This Winter Melon Chicken Soup has a light refreshing sweetness with a soft texture once cooked. The melon does not contribute a lot of taste to dish. Instead absorbs the flavors of the ingredients it is combined with. 

INGREDIENT Winter Melon Chicken Soup

3 drumstick

200g winter melon

1 carrot

1 onion

6 garlic

6 Jujube

1 tbsp Goji berries

1 tbsp fish sauce

1 tsp chicken stock


Enough water to cover all the ingredients

Fry the garlic and onion until brown. Place all the ingredient into a pot and bring it to boil. Simmer until the chicken is tender.

According to traditional Chinese beliefs, Winter Melon Soup is used to help cool the body heat because of its refreshing properties and neutralizing effect within the body.

Our next dish is stir fry Cabbage with turmeric. This dish is a common sight served in our local of our Indian restaurants. Do you have this in your city? Let me know in the comment below.

Removing the seeds from this rehydrated dried chili will help to reduced the heat yet still give the dish a slight hint of spiciness.

The curry leaves and the turmeric with dried chili gives this cabbage a fantastic aroma, flavor and a beautiful color. 

INGREDIENT Cabbage with Turmeric

150g Cabbage

4 green beans

6 garlic

curry leaves

1/2 tsp turmeric

1 dried chili (soak 1 hour to hydrate)

Salt & Pepper

A little water

Oil for frying 

Adding the french beans is option-able. It is for coloring and making the dish look more vibrant.

Served with hot white rice. This 3 easy dishes are wholesome, refreshing and really very healthy to have for lunch or brunch. Watch the full video of this lunch recipe if you are interested.
