Healthy Lunch Recipes | Our low cholesterol diet plan

Our low cholesterol diet plan started because our yearly blood test always comes out with high cholesterol result. Even with our daily morning exercise did not help.

We believe creating foods for our video is responsible for our high cholesterol. The beef, prawns, cakes and cookies

It is time to change. We decided to switched to more healthy and easy cooking.

However giving up our joy for sweets is something we hesitated from eliminating. There must be another alternative.

We put on our thinking cap and thought of a suitable sweet. Tofu fa came into mind. You can buy tofu fa easily from the markets but we decided to make our own from scratch. Maybe not from total start but at least half way. If you want to make your own which I have tried to once upon a time ago, read the story HERE

Tofu fa has a texture like custard and is made from Soy Beans. It is one of the healthiest dessert we can think of.

Lucky for us there are now premade Soy Been Custard Powder. Just follow the instruction on the packet and you will have a healthy dessert in no time.

One packet of Soft Bean Curd Powder will produce 3000ml of tofufa. That is a lot so we decided to use only half and keep the other half for another day.

TOFU FA Ingredient

75g Tofu fa powder

1L of Soya Bean Milk Less Sugar

500ml water

Mixed everything together. You can add sugar to make it sweeter but we decided to omit that. Instead we decided to use a can of lychee and put it on top of the Tofu fa to give it the sweetness.

With our healthy dessert cooling in the fridge, it is time to prepare our 2 healthy lunch dishes. 

Our first dish is Beans with cashew nuts. 


100g Sweet Peas

100g French Beans

30g Cashew Nuts

1 tsp of chicken stock


Oil for frying


Fry the raw cashew nuts in low heat until brown.

Use a bit of oil to fry the garlic then add the beans. Use a little water and 1 tsp chicken stock. Fry the beans until cooked and the sauce reduced. Sprinkled the fried nuts on top and served hot.

Our second lunch dish is Tofu with mince chicken and shitake mushrooms. Another one of our favorite easy and fast dish to assemble.

For the sauce we used salted Taucu, you can replace them with any other sauce of your choice. 


2 fried tofu

4 dried shitake mushrooms (diced finely)

50g carrots (diced finely)

100g chicken (minced)

1 tbsp soy sauce

1 tsp salted taucu

1 tsp corn flour

4 tbsp water

Chopped garlic

Oil for frying


Fry the garlic until brown. Add the mushrooms, carrots and chicken. Add the sauce. Add more water if the sauce is too thick. Last throw in the tofu. Let it fry for one a minute or two. If you like a thicker sauce then let the water evaporate more.
