Spicy Fish Cake Noodle Soup

Our most favorite quick noodle soup to make on the go is Spicy Fish Cake Noodle Soup

Fish cake is very cheap to buy. We always keep a spare of fish cake in our freezer because they freeze very well.

Cut the fish cakes diagonally or squares. Preferably in large pieces because we need to refry them later.

Heat up the pan with 4 tablespoon of oil. Fry the cut fish cake until brown all over on low heat.

Add in 1 tablespoon of sugar

2 tablespoon of dark soy sauce

Pepper. Mix until well combine and set aside

Now we prepare the spicy soup starting by frying some garlic and shallots

Then we add two tablespoons or more of our homemade garlic chili oil. Watch this video for our easy garlic chili oil recipe if you are interested 


Pour in 1 liter of water or more

1 and half tablespoon of chicken stock powder.

One tablespoon of fish sauce.

And some black pepper

Pour a bowl full of soup into a separate pot. Bring the pot to boil

Break some Mee Sua Noodles into the the soup. These noodles will cook in less than 2 minutes

Here we are using our own freshly cut homegrown vegetables.

Add in the green vegetables into the soup for a minute

Pour the cooked noodles and vegetable into a clean bowl.  

Placed the fried fish cake and it is ready to be eaten. I really do recommend your try this recipe because its so tasty

and amazingly easy to make.

You can watch how we cook this noodle soup by click on the video below.
