EASY Stir Fry Noodles COLA

If someone had told me yesterday that Cola in Noodle is delicious I would have told that someone to go fly the kite. This noodle dish turned out to be amazingly delicious. The sweetness really brings out the awesome flavor of the whole dish. 

A friend send me this Indian Street food seller cooking Maggi using Cola a few months ago. Giving us a hint to make a video relating to Cola will be interesting

I told my other half that perhaps we need to venture into this topic since we are into noodle.

When I did my research and search on Food with Cola as part of its ingredient I was surprised to read that there are many. It ranges from Cola Chicken Wings, Cola BBQ Pork Ribs, Cola Fried Rice, Cola Dessert and even Coca Cola mix with banana which apparently makes a MAN strong if you know what I mean.

Obviously that sealed the thought, we had to do this.

I knew without doubt that any Cola drink marinated with meats would turns out good as we have already did it with Sarsi on our BBQ pork ribs last year. But cola with noodles was something new and it needed some thought.

After some discussion, we decided to do a Hokkein Mee Cola Noodle dish. Hokkein Mee Style cooking it requires a lot of liquid to soften the noodles during cooking. Instead of water we will be using Cola. The click the video for our Hokkein Mee cooking method

If you are worried about high sugar content, do not be. We also used Cola Zero which has no sugar thus reduce our concerned for high sugar content in our noodle dish.

Hokkein Mee Sauce

1 tablespoon Sesame Oil

1 tablespoon oyster sauce

1 tablespoon thick dark soy sauce

1/2 teaspoon Pepper

1 tsp chicken stock

150ml of Cola Zero or more

Other Ingredient

100g of marinated Pork

100g of prawns and fish cake

3 Garlic

2 Shallots

100g of vegetables

250g of Hokkien Noodles

Fry the meats then put aside

Fry the garlic and onion. Stir in the vegetables, noodles then the cooked meats. Add in the sauces. Add more dark soya sauce and cola. Cover and let it simmer.

Let it cooked until all the water has mostly evaporated and thickened.
