Easy Bouncy Beef Ball Recipe

When I was young, dad took me to eat at a stall by this cinema. Beside that cinema stood a huge rain tree. Under that tree, an old couple sold beef noodle soup on bicycle food cart. His beef balls were unique because it has an oval shape instead of the round ball shape that you get now days. 
The old man would meticulously count 5 piece of beef balls per scoop with his non stop mumbling wife doing the dishes.

Today the cinema is no longer there 

Torn down to make way for Wisma Tun Fuad Stephen Building and for the highway.

All that remain is the rain tree.

Just like the old man without baking powder or ice cubes Our recipe goes like this:

250g beef preferably without fats

1/2 tsp pepper

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp chicken stock

2 tbsp Tapioca Flour

1 egg white

1 tbsp sesame oil

1 tbsp rice wine

1 tbsp oyster sauce

Mix everything together. Grind into paste with your food processor.

Now we knead it  with a mixer hook for 5 minutes or more. Kneading will help to break down the protein giving it a bouncier texture.

It is ready to be cooked. Wet your hand with water. This will prevent the paste from sticking

Grasp some beef paste on your left hand shape the paste into a ball. Use the spoon to scoop the ball

Takes a little practice but eventually you will get the hang of it. Or you can use two hands to roll the balls.

Drop the beef balls into warm water. The water must NOT be boiling. Keep at low heat.

Let it simmer slowly without bubble. When the beef balls starts to float. Scoop out. Let the beef balls cool down in cold water.
