BEEF Ball Curry Noodle Soup

The hard part of making this beef ball curry noodle soup is NOT the beef ball but the soup. I am going to share with you 5 steps to make this tasty spicy curry noodle soup that is light but rich in flavor and surprisingly easy to make at home.

The beef balls you can easily make them also at home or just purchase them from the supermarket.

Step 1 is making sure you grind the garlic and ginger into paste

Step 2 is adding 2 to 4 tablespoon of garlic chili oil. You can replace with any other type of chili paste or blended fresh chilis.

Blend your fresh tomatoes. You can replace with can tomato paste

Step 3 is adding water and chicken stock powder. Then add sugar, salt and pepper. Add more beef stock powder until it become favorable to your taste.

Boil for 30 mins. 

Step 4 is straining the soup. Only strain and sieve the soup when you are ready to serve. The longer you leave the spices inside the soup the better infused the flavor will be.

Finally step 5 is assembling the noodles. Add your beef ball. You can replace beef ball with other meats of your choice. Another option is to precook the meats or seafood. Placed them individually on the bowl and pour the hot soup on top.


2 tbsp garlic chilli oil (preferably 4)/ You can substitute with chili paste/powder

2 tbsp garlic paste

1 tbsp ginger paste

1 stick cinnamon

3 cardamom

1 bay leaf (substitute with Pandan leaf if you do not have it)

4 blended tomato paste

2 large onion fried onion (blend with coconut milk)

200ml coconut milk

1 tbsp corriander powder

1/2 tsp tumeric powder

1 tbsp cumin powder

1 tsp fenugreek

1 beef stock cube

500 ml water

Salt and sugar

300g beef balls 

Rice vermicelli/Rice noodles

Blanched green vegetables
