Are you sure you got the best authentic Vietnamese Pho recipe?

Are you sure you got the best authentic Vietnamese Pho recipe? That was the question I posted to Francis on his quest to cook Vietnemese Pho.

The 1st key step of making an authentic Vietnamese Fuh is the soup. It must be a clear broth. 

Put the bones and brisket in salted water. Bring it to a boil then switch off the heat. Take the bones and brisket out. Thoroughly wash each pieces in water to stop the cooking process. This step removes any impurities and will give you a much cleaner broth. This also helps to reduce the beef smell.

2nd step is to toast the spices. Toasting the spices will bring out the flavor.  Cinnamon star anise, cardamom, cloves,  coriander seeds, fennel seeds and black pepper seeds.

3rd step is charring your Onion, Shallots and ginger in a dry pan over medium low heat for about 3 minutes, until fragrant.

Charring will give the soup that dark brown broth color. 

4th Step is boiling the beef bones and brisket for 2 hours with spices and your charred vegetables.

Now we prepare the sauce.

2 tbsp. of fish sauce

1tbsp of sugar

1 beef bouillon

1/2 a tablespoon pepper

Pour the sauce into your soup

After 2 hours or when you feel the beef brisket is tender, take it out and sliced them thinly.

The 5th step in making the best authentic Vietnamese Pho is leaving this soup overnight with the spices before you strained it the next day. Use a colander to remove the spices.

Now it is time to assemble our Vietnamese Pho using blanched flat rice noodles, bean sprouts, homemade beef ball 

And our thinly sliced tender beef brisket. 

 And our best authentic Vietnamese Pho is ready to serve.

