7 ways how to use Garlic Chili Oil for food

7 ways how we use our Garlic Chili Oil for food

Lets start with no 1. Drizzling garlic chili oil over your beef noodle soup

No 2 is mixing your garlic chilli oil with your wantan sauce before your pour in your cooked noodles. 

No 3 is drizzling this garlic chili oil over your pizza

No 4 is drizzling garlic chili oil over Egg Potato Salad & Mayonnise

No 5 is drizzling some fiery goodness over fried eggs.

No 6 Spoon over some on your fried banana fritters. The sweet banana and spicy chili really compliments each other. 

No 7 Make your bland cucumber salad interesting with some garlic chili oil and chopped peanuts.

There are many more ways to use garlic chili oil beside what we have shown you. Because of its versitle purpose we have learned to make our own simple garlic chili oil at home.

In our recipe, we use 300g of dried chilies. The best thing about making homemade garlic chili oil is that you can control the spiciness by removing the seeds as compared to store bought ones which are usually super spicy hot.

Rinse the dry chilies and put them to soak in water until they are rehydrated. 

The chilies will be easier to be pureed after soaking

Put the dried chilies into the food processor. Add enough oil so it can blended easily.

Next we chopped 300g of garlic until finely. You can reduce or add more the quantity depending on your taste.

Add oil to the wok. Then pour in your pureed chilies

Throw in your chopped garlic. Stir to combine.

Keep stirring and bring the it to a boil.

To add more flavor we add cinnamon and star anise in our garlic chili oil. The hot oil will cook the spices thoroughly and be infused with the flavor.

Do not cook the garlic and chili too long. Over heating will cause Chilies and garlic to burn. Once it turn dark brown it is burned and there is no way to save it. The photo below shows you burned chili oil.

Chili oil can be stored at room temperature in a sealed jar for several weeks, or up to six months in the refrigerator.

Can you use Fresh Chilies to make this? No you can not. The taste and texture will be different. However you just got to do what is best for you.
