Meringue Creamy Custard Cake

This glorious no bake Custard Cream Marshmallow Cake is the PERFECT treat to make when you want to impress your guest over dinner!

The inspiration for my cake came from reading about desserts in Croatia: Kremšnita. The word kremšnita comes from the word cremeschnitte (millefeuille in German). It is a cake with vanilla, cream and whipped cream, popular in several Central European countries. There are many regional variations, although all the recipes contain puff pastry and vanilla custard.

I decided to use sponge cake as the based because puff pastry is not easily available in the supermarket. You can use store bought cake or make your own. I am happy I did not use puff pastry because it would not fit the assemble of spongy creamy texture that I wanted for this cake.

In this recipe I made my own sponge cake. You can click this link to learn how to make a super tasty Sponge cake.

The original Croatian recipe does not use any egg whites. I found this wasteful. I decided to make swiss meringue with my egg whites.

Swiss meringue is also known as marshmallow frosting.

Swiss Meringue is the most stable of all the meringues, this is made with a sugar syrup that has been heated to the hard-ball stage (250°F to 266°F). The hot sugar syrup is gradually beaten into the egg whites after soft peaks have formed and then whipped to firm glossy peaks. Pouring the hot syrup is tricky so it helps if you use a stand mixer while doing this.

This will give the meringue a spongy texture like soft marshmallow. Adding whipping cream adds taste and removes all eggy taste. 

I also added gelatin into my custard to give it the similar spongy texture.

The chocolate topping just add a delicious richness to the whole cake that I cannot explain. Chillin the completed cake overnight is highly recommended. 

Sponge cake

3 egg yolk

1/3 cup sugar

300ml milk

1 tbsp corn flour

1 tsp gelatin

110g unsalted butter

3 egg whites

1/2 sugar

1/4 cup water

100ml whipping cream

1 tsp gelatin

4 tsp water

100g chocolate

50ml milk
