Super Crispy Almond Cookie Using Oil and Not butter

This is not my first time trying to make a cookie using oil but this it the best result so far. Not oily, not too sweet and pretty flavourable.

It is not as thin as I wanted it to be but tasted pretty good without being too sweet. The almond also gives the cookie a very good flavour.

The batter will be thin and creamy so you will need to put them over night to firm up. 

The heat in the oven must be at low. This is to allow the cookie to crisp up. Baking them fast will make the middle soft and cakey. Do not attempt to change the caster sugar to brown because brown sugar retains more moisture. More moisture will not make the cookie crisp. Remember this is oil based and it does not need more moisture.

Ingredient A
1 cup oil
1 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 egg white
1 tsp vanilla

Ingredient B
1 cup of sliced almonds
2 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

Beat ingredient A until smooth then add in Ingredient B gradually. You will get a creamy consistency batter. Leave the batter to firm up over night. It should be firm enough to be rolled up and flatten with a spoon the next day.

Baked in a low heat 150 C for 15 minutes.