Kerepek Pisang Manis or Sweet Banana Chips

I love banana chips. Its can be found plenty around Kota Kinabalu. Between salty or sweet my preference is sweet.

Among all the packages of banana chips sold out in the city, my favorite comes from one supplier. This supplier produce the best crispy and thin banana chips ever. They are only limited stalls carrying this supplier's product so finding an endless supply of my favorite chips can be tricky. The last time I bought a bag of chips the price was RM 5.00. Kind of more pricey than usual. The previous price was RM3.50

Therefore I decided to try make my own chips. It turned to be so much easier than I expected it to be.

The banana seller at the market was kind to sell us just 4 Green bananas for only RM 1.00

To avoid sticky gum  use plastic glove to remove the skin. If you have no glove, use oil to scrub your hands after peeling then wash with soap.

Pour oil into your wok and heat it up. 

Using a slicer, start slicing the bananas right into the hot oil. 

Keep stirring the bananas until light brown and crisp. Do not make the oil too hot or else it will burned.

Drain oil and place on paper towels

The sugar syrup

1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp water

6 tbsp sugar

Place the sugar, salt and water in a non stick pan and stir until boil. Let it boil for five minutes then throw the banana chips in. Stir until all well coated.