Chocolate Cup Cake with Streusel Topping

I wanted to do a centered filled cupcakes but my first attempted did not materialized the way I wanted it to. My supposedly centered cream cheese filling just floated at the top of the chocolate batter instead of sinking down to the middle.

I even listed down a long list of interesting cupcake fillings that I could play around with for my future baking of centered filled cupcakes.
  • Nuttella
  • cookie dough
  • peanut butter
  • strawberry cheesecake
  • marshmallow
  • blueberry
  • cake within a cake
  • pineapple
  • mint
  • white chocolate

The Cream Cheese Filing
I guess my first mistake was making the filling too watery. It was still watery despite putting them into the fridge for over a day. I guess it was my fault for being frugal and stingy with my cream cheese. I could have added more icing sugar to make it thicker but then it will make the filling terribly sweet.

I make two type filings. One was normal cream cheese and the other a strawberry cream cheese filling.

cream cheese 125g
1 large egg
2 tbsp icing sugar
2 tbsp strawberry jam

Beat the above together. Half and filled two bowls with the filling.
Split mixture into two bowls. Mix one bowl with icing sugar and the other with strawberry jam.

The Chocolate Cake
This is the most delicious moist chocolate cake recipe ever. It is delicious with any type of frosting. You can read more about it by CLICKING HERE.

1 ¾ cup sugar
1 ¾ cup flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 tsp of vinegar
2 large eggs
125ml of chocolate milk
½ cup vegetable oil
2 tsp vanilla essence

1 cup of hot water
¾ cup cocoa powder

Mix the hot water with cocoa powder then pour in the chocolate milk. Beat the eggs, sugar, vanilla and oil. Shift in the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
Pour batter into muffin cups.

Bake at 160C over 20 mins.

This cake turned out pretty cool. It was like having frosting already put on it and you do not need to add anymore after you baked it.