Tofu Béchamel Sauce Spinach Lasagna Recipe

When I first read about roll up lasagna I thought this is another easier way to make lasagna. But I was wrong. It is in fact harder and takes longer time to build those layers. At one point during the process making this dish I was actually tempted to just go with the original method of layering the pasta sheets. As I was contemplating it, I realized how can I ever say I have done a roll up lasagna if I didn’t finish it so I went ahead and am glad I did. 

Another point I must add about this dish is the tofu. Since a few blog wrote about this, I was intrigued to try it out. Whoever invented this combination is truly a genius. In my whole life I would not have thought to put tofu in lasagna. Adding tofu into the béchamel sauce gives the sauce some texture and volume.

You can watch the video by clicking the Youtube link below:-

I am writing about the technique of rolling up the lasagna so I will not elaborate much about making the minced meat. I think any type of mince beef dish is suitable for lasagna as long as it taste good or you can check out my mince beef recipe

Precooked the lasagna before you start the rolling process.

Tofu Béchamel Sauce
300ml full cream milk
1 tbsp all purposed flour
50g of butter
Salt & Pepper

A few leaves of chopped spinach
2 squares of tofu

Melt the butter in a small pot
Add in flour and cook until it smells like roasted nuts.
Pour milk in. Keep stirring until mixture thickens.
Salt and pepper to taste
Let the sauce cool down before mixing in the chopped spinach and diced tofu.

Rolling Up the Lasagna

Place a spoonful of Tofu Béchamel Sauce and Mince Beef in the middle of the cooked lasagna.
Leave both edges empty.
Take one edge and fold over the top of the mixture.
Roll over the mixture until it reaches the other edge.
Use a spatula to pick up each roll and place into the baking dish

Assembling the sauce and cheese

One can of pasta sauce
Grated cheddar cheese

If you have any mince beef leftover pour a can of pasta sauce over it.
Spoon the sauce over the roll up lasagna. 
Sprinkle the cheese over the sauce with any leftover béchamel sauce (if any)
Baked the lasagna in the over for 40 minutes at 170C

The best part about roll up lasagna is that it makes serving presentation in portion looks better. The usual method would mean you can see the insides oozing out from the lasagna layers as you scoop the portion out. Other than that advantage I would not do roll up again. It was just too much work for me. Happy lasagna!