Tiramisu Pastry Cream

TIPUMISU that is the name of this cake. It derive from the word tiramisu. The word "tipu" in malay language means trick or lie. This is almost a tiramisu but not quite. The difference is the cream cheese used. Instead of using mascarpone cheese, I opt for Philadelphia cream cheese due to the fact that mascarpone cheese is super expensive here and difficult to get.

UPDATED 3 FEB 2023 : Mascarpone cheese is now available widely in all our stores and I have been using them. Watch our latest creation from scratch in this video

I have been making this dessert many times and it never fail to get raved reviews from my guests. It does take sometime to assemble the whole dessert but you will not regret the effort. It has a very delicious end result.

The dessert is made up of the following :

  • 300g of whipping cream (divide half)
  • One whole Chocolate Moist Cake to be sliced into bite size pieces. 
  • One bowl of pastry cream (see recipe below). Need only 2/3 portion. 
  • One box of Philadelphia cream cheese (to be beaten)
  • One packet of 3 in one coffee in a quarter cup of hot water.
  • One tbsp of Baileys or suitable liqueur (optional)

To assemble

  • Combine the coffee n liqueur. Sprinkle the coffee liqueur on to the sliced cake. The amount depends on how soggy you want the cake to be. For me I do not like it too soggy. The cake does absorb the coffee like a sponge.
  • Take 2/3 of pastry cream and mixed it with the beaten cream cheese. 
  • Take 1/2 of the whipped cream and mixed into the pastry and cream cheese mixture.
  • Arrange half of the cake pieces into a rectangle ceramic or pyrex. Spread half of the cream mixture on to the cakes. Then place the rest of the cake pieces on top and spread the balance of the cream mixture to it. The arrangement need not be perfect as it will be covered by the balance half of whipped cream.
  • Leave it to set overnight in the fridge. The next day, you can cut, scoop n enjoy!

Pastry Cream Recipe
300 ml milk
2 tablespoon white sugar
2 egg yolks
3 tablespoon cornstarch
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a heavy saucepan, stir everything together except for the butter and vanilla extract. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Whisk nonstop. Do not stop whisking to avoid it burning.
When the mixture comes to a boil and thickens, remove from the heat. Stir in the butter and vanilla, mixing until the butter is completely blended in. Pour into a container and place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface to prevent a skin from forming. Refrigerate until chilled before using.