Super Moist Easy One Bowl Carrot Cake

When my mom first let me try this cake, I thought I was in heaven. It was so delicious and very moist. My mom said she got this recipe from the newspaper clippings. Phone photo snap the recipe and tried it myself the next day.

Just like my mom said this recipe was a keeper. It came out perfect in whatever way you do it. The first time I made this cake I threw everything into the bowl except the egg white. The egg white I beat it on its own because I wanted a guaranteed fluffy cake. True enough this recipe did not fail me.

In my second attempt which I videotaped, I did not beat the egg white and dumped everything into the bowl except the nuts and raisins. I also reduce beating the batter too much as you can see in the video some of the oil and orange juice not thoroughly mixed. When I saw the that,  I was worried this cake will not make it but again it came out perfectly. A little more crumbly than the first but tasted just as good.

Whether you add the nuts and raisins with the batter or sprinkle on top does not do much to the cake. 

Frosting the cake with cream cheese frosting would make it even more delicious.

You can watch the video by clicking the Youtube link below:-

100g vegetable oil
50ml freshly squeeze orange juice
110g castor sugar
2 eggs

Grated rind of one orange
110 g grated carrot
30g dried cranberries (or sultanas)
25g chopped dried apricot (or sultanas)
25g chopped walnuts
120g self raising flour
1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda

Beat the vegetable oil, orange juice, eggs and sugar until mixed thoroughly. Then add the dry ingredient. Do not over beat. Do not use blender to mix. Use hand to mix. Put the batter into a 9 inch pan and set it for 30 mins to bake at 170 degrees.

If you have extra time and do not mind an extra bowl to clean. Beat the egg white separately then incorporate the beaten egg white into the batter. This will make the cake lighter.

You can frost it with cream cheesing frosting or else just eat it as is.