Easy Flaky Pastry Using Oil & Margarine

I like curry puffs and has always had a hard time finding a good crust to go with the curry filling. The other pastry I have used.

With the hike in cost for everything in KK, it is now very expensive to make pastry using butter or buying ready made pastry from the supermarket. Even margarine is also getting more expensive to buy.

So I decided to use oil as a replacement. Surprisingly it turn out not too bad. It does not crumble easily. This oil pastry recipe would really be good it you are using wet fillings. Among the three recipe I have tried below, I prefer the mixed oil and margarine which is more flaky and tender than just pure oil. . 

Magarine or Butter Recipe
2 cups flour
125g/1 cup of Butter/margarine
2 tbsp cold water or milk
1 tsp of caster sugar
A pinch of salt

Oil Pastry Recipe
2 cups flour
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 tbsp of cold water/milk
1 tsp of caster sugar
A pinch of salt

Oil and Margarine Recipe
4 cups flour
125g margarine
1/2 cup vegetable oil
4 tbsp cold water
1 tbsp caster sugar
1/2 tsp salt

Mix flour, salt and sugar. Crumble and rub the cold margarine with the mixed flour. Pour in the oil and mixed before you add the cold water. Rest in the fridge for 15 minutes. Roll it out then add your favorite fillings.