Decade Old Moist Chocolate Sponge Cake Recipe

This recipe was handed down to me from my mom. I remembered eating this cake all the time when I was young. It is soft and very moist. It is also not very sweet.

However making it is a little tricky. Mixing and folding must be fast but gentle. The bubbles from the eggs keep the cake spongy. If you over fold it then the cake might not rise and will be flat. If you mix less then you will find small bits of egg white in the cake.

But if you can master this cake, I can assure you that everyone will love it.

In my opinion this cake cannot stand alone without a chocolate frosting because it is not sweet enough. So make sure you top the cake with some generous frosting of your choice.


Mixture A
4 egg whites
½ cup of caster sugar
¼ tsp cream of tartar

Mixture B
1 cup of flour
1/3 cup of caster sugar
2 tbsp of cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
¼ tsp of chocolate emulco
½ cup of water
½ cup of vegetable oil
4 egg yolks

Chocolate Frosting (your own choice)


Heat the oven to 170c degrees.
Beat mixture A together until shiny and stiff.
Set the beater to the fastest, beat egg yolks and sugar until creamy. Set the beater to the lowest then quickly add in the rest of the ingredients.
Slowly fold in half of mixture A by hand into mixture B. Once the mixture has been incorporated then the rest of mixture A.
Quickly pour into the prepared tin and let it baked until tooth pick comes out clean.
After the cake has cooled, spread chocolate frosting over it.